Trinity County RCD's Goals for Forest Health include:

  • Facilitate countywide private land strategic plan for fuels reduction and forest health.
  • Provide technical assistance to private landowners to improve forest health.
Action Items Include:
  • Sponsor countywide strategic plan development for fuels management and forest health.
  • Work with CDF to develop community fire management plans.
  • Develop GIS data and analysis for planning.
  • Facilitate neighborhood meetings to plan neighborhood fuels reduction projects.
  • Participate in Trinity County Fire Safe Council to coordinate management of fire safety/forest policy on public and private lands.
  • Develop timber management plans with landowners.
  • Assist landowners in applying for state or federal cost share programs.
  • Utilize Registered Professional Forester consultant to assist private timber owners to develop long term timberlands management plans.

The Desired Outcome of our work in this area is to reduce the risk of catastrophic fire by improving forest health.


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