Summer 2003
Vol. XII, No. 3

Celebrating the Salmon’s Return

The fascinating story of the salmon has been a source of awe and inspiration to people since time out of mind. For tens of thousands of years these amazing fish have evolved with the ever-changing conditions of a temperamental planet. Born into cool streams and rivers, these fish must completely change their body functions in order to adapt to salt water conditions when they migrate to the ocean. The amazing part of their journey begins when they leave their nutrient rich ocean to return again to the exact streams in which they were born, in order to reproduce.

The thriving run of the salmon up the rivers has historically provided a major food source for people; and it is no wonder that it has also been a source of massive celebration. Here in Trinity County, the annual Salmon Festival has honored the largest return of salmon in the fall. Many of you have probably had the pleasure of attending this exciting event with many children’s activities and great music.

Unfortunately, due to budget cutbacks, the festival will not be able to happen this year. But not to worry, the salmon will not have to return unnoticed this year. Collaboration is underway at the RCD with many agencies to keep the tradition of celebration going. Get out your crayons and markers kids! We are planning a salmon poster contest in October. More information will be issued once the children are back at school. This is a great opportunity for the community to get together and have some fun. Anyone who is interested in helping out is encouraged to contact Cassie or Kate at the RCD at 623-6004. Let’s welcome back these extraordinary fish!

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